Charm Engraving
Necklace and bracelet charms shaped of a child's head or a heart are classics for engraving. We usually engrave the child's first name and birth date on one side. There isn't that much room for more content; however, we can engrave on both sides of the charm. We only use simple fonts for engraving as anything fancy makes the charm hard to read.
For special events, some people choose a round, oval, or heart-shaped charm. We can easily modify the engraving to suit the occasion. There are other odd-shaped charms that we may or may not be able to engrave. It depends on whether there is a large enough smooth area for engraving and if we can hold it tight while we do so. In situations where we cannot engrave a charm, we usually can etch it.
Traditional Boy or Girl Charm
The classic silhouette charm of a boy or a girl makes a perfect gift to celebrate the birth and life of a child.
4602 Round Engravable Charm
Plenty of room for engraving on both sides. Great for any special occasion.